Courses Offered

S.No. Name Duration
1 प्राक-शास्त्री (Prak-Shastri) 2 Years
2 शास्त्री (Shastri) 3 Years

College Fee

The fees prescribed by the Department of Education of Himachal Pradesh and the University of Himachal Pradesh will be accepted from the students for admission to the college. There is no refund of the fees received if the student who has received the admission fails to attend the college or leaves the college in the middle of the semester. According to the rules, the only refund is from the security fund. There will be a financial penalty of two rupees for absence from class.

Details of admission fees

S.No. Head Type Fee
1 Admission Fee Rs. 25.00 /-
2 House Exams Fee Rs. 40.00/25.00 /-
3 Premises Development and Beautification Fee Rs. 10.00 /-
4 Student Aid Fee Rs. 2.00 /-
5 Cultural Program Fee Rs. 20.00 /-
6 Magazine Fee Rs. 100.00 /-
7 Medical Fund Rs. 6.00 /-
8 ID card Rs. 0000 /-
9 NCC Fee Rs. 5.00 /-
10 Computer and Internet Charges Rs. 20.00 /-
11 Amalgamated Fund Rs. 300.00 (25.00 /month) /-
12 Sports Fund Rs. 240.00 (20.00 /month) /-
13 Building Fund Rs. 120.00 (10.00 /month) /-
14 Rover And Ranger Fund Rs. 60.00 (5.00 / month) /-
15 Library Fund (refundable) Rs. 100.00 /-
16 Special Tuition Fee Rs. 0.00 /-
17 Registration Fee / Continuation Fee Rs. 200.00/41.00 /-
18 Parent Teacher Association Fee (P.T.A.) Rs. 1000.00 /-