
Sr. No. Title/Description


Gorakshnath Govt. Sanskrit College has signed an MOU with Shri Badrika Ashram. Shri Badrika Ashram provide scholarships for high quality undergraduate education, along with professional mentorship, for need and merit-based students of Himachal Pradesh. Their aim is to help you achieve your dreams and not let financial constraints stand in your way. They engage with universities through special MOUs to identify students with a mix of criteria ranging from their family income levels, academic history, and family structure.

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Central Sanskrit University’s Meritorious Scholar Scheme

The Government of India in pursuance of the recommendations of the Sanskrit Commission (1956-1957), established the Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan on 15th October, 1970 as an autonomous organization for the purpose of implementing the policies and programmes of the Central Government for the development, propagation and promotion of Sanskrit. The Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India has declared it as Deemed University on 7th May, 2002 and the National Accreditation and Assessment Council (NAAC) has placed this university under the category ‘A’ which is the highest rank to be awarded to educational institutions by the NAAC.

The erstwhile Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan (Deemed to be University) has now been promulgated as Central Sanskrit University, Delhi (CSU) under the Central Sanskrit Universities Act, 2020 (No.5 of 2020) passed by the Parliament and assented to by His Excellency, The President of India and started functioning as the Central Sanskrit University, Delhi since 30th April, 2020.

The Central Sanskrit University, Delhi implements various Central Government Schemes for the enrichment and dissemination of Sanskrit language and literature. Accordingly, The Govt. of India awards scholarships through University to meritorious students of Sanskrit related to constituent campuses and other institutions throughout the country. The University also awards a merit scholarship on All India Basis to regular students pursuing higher course of studies in Sanskrit including Pali/Prakrit in any recognized traditional Pathashalas from Purvamadhyama to Uttarmadhyama/Prak-Shastri and the level of Shastri/Acharya/Vidya-Varidhi and Modern institutions from Secondary/Senior Secondary Schools (from 9th to 12th standard) and the levels of Graduation/Post Graduation/Ph.D.

The Scholarship awarded to those student who have obtained the minimum percentage or equivalent grade in Sanskrit/Pali/Prakrit and aggregate in all subjects can be applied for Scholarship -
General Category- 60% marks
SC/ST/Differently abled- 50% marks
OBC- 55% marks

The Number of Scholarships to be awarded each year depends upon the availability of funds. The online applications will be invited through advertisement which circulated in popular leading Newspapers in all India every year in between July to August month.

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National Scholarship Schemes

The Students of Gorakshnath Govt Sanskrit college can also apply for National Scholarship Schemes through National Scholarship PortaluderMinistry of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India.

S.No. Description Document(s) Required
Dr Ambedkar Medhavi Chattervriti Yojna For SC Students

The Scholarship is given to top 1250 meritorious students of Scheduled Caste category after modification from the session 2018-19 declared as such in the result of Matric Examination conducted by the H.P. Board of School Education, Dharamshala, strictly on merit basis to students studying in a recognized (including Professional / Technical) institution within or outside the State. The renewal in 10+2 Class / 2nd Year of course will be subject to satisfactory performance in internal examinations of 10+1 Class / 1st Year Course. The scholarship is given @ Rs 12,000/- p.a.

The printed copy of the Online Scholarship Form (after successful online submission of form), along with all requisite documents, needs to be submitted by the student to his / her Head of the Institute, who will retain it in the institution. The Institution will further forward the duly attested printed form (after successful online verification) along with the Verified Candidate List(s) (on the prescribed format) to the concerned DDHE(in case of Govt. / Private Recognized Schools within state) & to this Directorate (in case of Professional / Technical institutes / Out of state institutes), for online verification &cross-checking. After successful online verification, the DDHE shall retain the hard copies of the students of Private Recognized School(s), and return the remaining forms to the concerned schools. The DDHE also need to forward the Verified Candidate List(s) in r/o their respective district(s) to this Directorate.

In case, any offline application form is received by the Head of the Institute / DDHE, he / she is directed to return the same to the concerned student / institute, at his / her own level;& to direct the sender to fill the form online & submit the printed copy of the Online Application Form, afterwards, through the same channel.

  1. Passport Size Photo.
  2. AADHAR Card(UID / EID No).
  3. Himachali Bonafide Certificate.
  4. Previous Year(s) Result Card(s) from Matric onwards.
  5. Latest Bank Statement of the Students Bank Account.
  6. SC Category Certificate (Issued by an officer not below the rank of Tehsildar) (DDHE / Head of the Institute is directed to check this Certificate strictly, during online verification).
Dr Ambedkar Medhavi Chattervriti Yojna For OBC Students

The Scholarship is given to top 1000 meritorious students of OBC declared as such in the result of Matric Examination conducted by the H.P. Board of School Education, Dharamshala, strictly on merit basis to students studying in a recognized (including Professional / Technical) institution within or outside the State. The renewal in 10+2 Class / 2nd Year of course will be subject to satisfactory performance in internal examinations of 10+1 Class / 1st Year Course. The scholarship is given @ Rs 10,000/- p.a.

The printed copy of the Online Scholarship Form (after successful online submission of form), along with all requisite documents,needs to be submitted by the student to his / her Head of the Institute, who will retain it in the institution. The Institution will further forward the duly attested printed form (after successful online verification) along with the Verified Candidate List(s) (on the prescribed format) to the concerned DDHE(in case of Govt. / Private Recognized Schools within state) & to this Directorate (in case of Professional / Technical institutes / Out of state institutes), foronline verification &cross-checking. After successful online verification, the DDHE shall retain the hard copies of the students of Private RecognizedSchool(s), and return the remaining forms to the concerned schools. The DDHE also need to forward the Verified Candidate List(s) in r/o their respective district(s) to this Directorate.

In case, any offline application form is received by the Head of the Institute / DDHE, he / she is directed to return the same to the concerned student / institute, at his / her own level;& to direct the sender to fill the form online & submit the printed copy of the Online Application Form, afterwards, through the same channel.

  1. Passport Size Photo.
  2. AADHAR Card(UID / EID No).
  3. Himachali Bonafide Certificate.
  4. Previous Year(s) Result Card(s) from Matric onwards.
  5. Latest Bank Statement of the Students Bank Account.
  6. OBC Category Certificate (Issued by an officer not below the rank of Tehsildar) (DDHE / Head of the Institute is directed to check this Certificate strictly, during online verification).
Swami Vivekanand Utkrisht Chattervriti Yojna

The Scholarship is given to top 2000 meritorious students of General category declared as such in the result of Matric Examination conducted by the H.P. Board of School Education, Dharamshala, strictly on merit basis to students studying in a recognized (including Professional / Technical) institution within or outside the State. The renewal in 10+2 Class / 2nd Year of course will be subject to satisfactory performance in internal examinations of 10+1 Class / 1st Year Course. The scholarship is given @ Rs 10,000/- p.a.

The printed copy of the Online Scholarship Form (after successful online submission of form), along with all requisite documents, needs to be submitted by the student to his / her Head of the Institute, who will retain it in the institution. The Institution will further forward the duly attested printed form (after successful online verification) along with the Verified Candidate List(s) (on the prescribed format) to the concerned DDHE (in case of Govt. / Private Recognized Schools within state) & to this Directorate (in case of Professional / Technical institutes / Out of state institutes), for online verification & cross-checking. After successful online verification, the DDHE shall retain the hard copies of the students of Private Recognized School(s), and return the remaining forms to the concerned schools. The DDHE also need to forward the Verified Candidate List(s) in r/o their respective district(s) to this Directorate.

In case, any offline application form is received by the Head of the Institute / DDHE, he / she is directed to return the same to the concerned student / institute, at his / her own level; & to direct the sender to fill the form online & submit the printed copy of the Online Application Form, afterwards, through the same channel.

  1. Passport Size Photo.
  2. AADHAR Card(UID / EID No).
  3. Himachali Bonafide Certificate.
  4. Previous Year(s) Result Card(s) from Matric onwards.
  5. Latest Bank Statement of the Students Bank Account.
  6. General Category Certificate (Issued by an officer not below the rank of Tehsildar)(DDHE / Head of the Institute is directed to check this Certificate strictly, during verification).
Thakur Sen Negi Utkrisht Chattervriti Yojna

The Scholarship is given to top 100 Girls and top 100 Boys students belonging to the Tribal Community of HP, declared as such in the result of Matric Examination conducted by the H.P. Board of School Education, Dharamshala, strictly on merit basis to students studying in a recognized (including Professional / Technical) institution within or outside the State. The renewal in 10+2 Class / 2nd Year of course will be subject to satisfactory performance in internal examinations of 10+1 Class / 1st Year Course. The scholarship is given @ Rs 11,000/- p.a.

The printed copy of the Online Scholarship Form (after successful online submission of form), along with all requisite documents, needs to be submitted by the student to his / her Head of the Institute, who will retain it in the institution. The Institution will further forward the duly attested printed form (after successful online verification) along with the Verified Candidate List(s) (on the prescribed format) to the concerned DDHE (in case of Govt. / Private Recognized Schools within state) & to this Directorate (in case of Professional / Technical institutes / Out of state institutes), for online verification & cross-checking. After successful online verification, the DDHE shall retain the hard copies of the students of Private Recognized School(s), and return the remaining forms to the concerned schools. The DDHE also need to forward the Verified Candidate List(s) in r/o their respective district(s) to this Directorate.

In case, any offline application form is received by the Head of the Institute / DDHE, he / she is directed to return the same to the concerned student / institute, at his / her own level; & to direct the sender to fill the form online & submit the printed copy of the Online Application Form, afterwards, through the same channel.

  1. Passport Size Photo.
  2. AADHAR Card(UID / EID No).
  3. Himachali Bonafide Certificate.
  4. Previous Year(s) Result Card(s) from Matric onwards.
  5. Latest Bank Statement of the Students Bank Account.
  6. ST Category Certificate (Issued by an officer not below the rank of Tehsildar)(DDHE / Head of the Institute is directed to check this Certificate strictly, during verification ).
Indira Gandhi Utkrisht Chhatravriti Yojna

He scholarship under the Indira Gandhi UttkrishtChhatravritiYojna shall be awarded to the Ten Male Toppers each from the merit list of 10+2 Arts, Science and Commerce, supplied by the H.P. Board of School Education Dharamshala, and to the Ten Toppers (both Male & Female) from the merit lists of B.A. / B.Sc. / B.Com., supplied by the HPU, Shimla, provided they join any academic / professional stream.

The rate of the scholarship would be @ Rs 10,000/- p.a. per student. The scholarship shall be renewed every year to the same student(s) till they complete degree/course, subject to the condition of achieving at least 55% marks in the subsequent classes.

The printed copy of the Online Scholarship Form (after successful online submission of form), along with all requisite documents, needs to be submitted by the student to his / her Head of the Institute, who will retain it in the institution. The Institution will forward the duly attested printed form (after successful online verification) along with the Verified Candidate List(s) (on the prescribed format) to this Directorate (in case of Universities / Private Recognized Colleges / Professional / Technical / Other Institutes), for online verification & safekeeping. The Govt. Colleges (within state) need to forward only the Verified Candidate List(s) (on the prescribed format) to this Directorate.

In case, any offline application form is received by the Head of the Institute, he / she is directed to return the same to the concerned student, at his / her own level; & to direct the sender to fill the form online & submit the printed copy of the Online Application Form, afterwards, through the same channel.

  1. Passport Size Photo.
  2. AADHAR Card(UID / EID No).
  3. Himachali Bonafide Certificate.
  4. Previous Year(s) Result Card(s) from Matric onwards.
  5. Latest Bank Statement of the Students Bank Account.
Kalpana Chawla Chhatravriti Yojna

This is a State Sponsored Scheme started from the year 2012-13. Under this Scheme the top 2000 meritorious girl students of 10+2 of all study groups i.e. Science, Arts and Commerce streams are awarded a scholarship of Rs 15000/- per student p.a., based on passing ratio in each group as per the merit list supplied by the H.P. Board of School Education, Dharamshala. The scholarship will be renewed till the completion of Degree / Diploma / Certificate course, provided there is no failure.

The printed copy of the Online Scholarship Form (after successful online submission of form), along with all requisite documents, needs to be submitted by the student to his / her Head of the Institute, who will retain it in the institution. The Institution will forward the duly attested printed form (after successful online verification) along with the Verified Candidate List(s) (on the prescribed format) to this Directorate (in case of Universities / Private Recognized Colleges / Professional / Technical / Other Institutes / All Out of state institutes), for online verification & safekeeping. The Govt. Colleges (within state) need to forward only the Verified Candidate List(s) (on the prescribed format) to this Directorate.

In case, any offline application form is received by the Head of the Institute, he / she is directed to return the same to the concerned student, at his / her own level; & to direct the sender to fill the form online & submit the printed copy of the Online Application Form, afterwards, through the same channel.

  1. Passport Size Photo.
  2. AADHAR Card(UID / EID No).
  3. Himachali Bonafide Certificate.
  4. Previous Year(s) Result Card(s) from Matric onwards.
  5. Latest Bank Statement of the Students Bank Account.
IRDP Scholarship

Students belonging to IRDP families and studying in 9th to University level are eligible for this scholarship provided they are pursuing their study in Govt. / Govt. Aided Institutions in H.P.

Class Boys Girls
9th & 10th Rs 300/- p.a. Rs 600/- p.a.
+1 & +2 Rs 800/- p.a. Rs 800/- p.a.
College/University (Day scholar) Rs 1200/- p.a. Rs 1200/- p.a.
College/University (Hostelers) Rs 2400/- p.a. Rs 2400/- p.a.

The printed copy of the Online Scholarship Form (after successful online submission of form), along with all requisite documents, needs to be submitted by the student to his / her Head of the Institute, who will retain it in the institution. The Institution will forward the duly attested printed form (after successful online verification) along with the Verified Candidate List(s) (on the prescribed format) to the concerned DDHE (in case of Govt. Schools) & to this Directorate (in case of University), for online verification & cross-checking. After successful online verification, the DDHE shall retain the hard copies of the students of Private Recognized Institution(s), and return the remaining forms to the concerned schools. The DDHE also need to forward the Verified Candidate List(s) in r/o their respective district(s) to this Directorate. The Govt. Colleges (within state) need to forward only the Verified Candidate List(s) (on the prescribed format) to this Directorate.

In case, any offline application form is received by the Head of the Institute / DDHE, he / she is directed to return the same to the concerned student / institute, at his / her own level; & to direct the sender to fill the form online & submit the printed copy of the Online Application Form, afterwards, through the same channel.

  1. Passport Size Photo.
  2. AADHAR Card(UID / EID No).
  3. Himachali Bonafide Certificate.
  4. Previous Year(s) Result Card(s) from Matric onwards.
  5. Latest Bank Statement of the Students Bank Account.
  6. IRDP / BPL Certificate (Issued by an officer not below the rank of Panchayat Secretary).
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Scholarship Scheme For Students With Disabilities

Gorakshnath Govt Sanskrit college helps to provideScholarshipsfor Students With Disabilities through Scholarship Scheme For Students With Disabilitiesuder Department of empowerment of Persond with Disabilities (Divyangjan).

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